Happy Holidays!

For the last few years, Ania has used her blog post for the month of December to show one of her beaded ornaments.

This year’s ornament can be seen below, along with a message from Ania:

A colorful beaded ornament, hand-made by Ania.

Looking back on 2020, it was a most unanticipated year for most of us, certainly for me. It was also a very learning year of how no matter how much we plan for, we have very little control over things and other’s behaviors. I have found, the most important thing to remember is to live in the present moment and be grateful for family and friends, and the kindness of strangers. This has been a very good year for such things, even though there has been much frustration, sadness, and grief.

I wish you a happy holiday and a safe and healthy new year. There will be new things that we’ll pursue and learn in the coming year and I look forward to doing such things with you, in person and other new ways. It is always the joy of the journey, and not necessarily the destination we have the best time in.