Seasons Greetings!

As an old year fades and a new year approaches, here is something a little bit different. This ornament was beaded by Ania several years ago, and is part of a project to create one ornament for every year that has passed since the birth of her two daughters. With two daughters in their twenties, that is a lot of ornaments.

Read on below for a holiday season message from Ania: 

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2018 has felt like it has flown by so quickly. In this year, I’ve done a lot of exploratory rug hooking projects and research. I really reached outside of my established rug hooking comfort zone. I’ve explored ways of expanding my artistic approaches in rug hooking. This process has involved bringing my science background and my various creative passions, like beading, into my rugs.

In 2019, I hope these experiences and experiments will become even more fruitful for myself and for others. I want to further use this research in my rug hooking teaching and workshops. I’m looking forward to where the new year takes us, individually and as a community of rug hookers.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all the best in the new year!

Is there anything you are interested in reading about on the blog in 2019? If there is, let Ania know in the comments below.